Monday 26 May 2014


I stumbled on Lily.J- a London based Vintage shop, and the Vintage outfits are really lovely.

They have some nice pieces that are really elegant;

                                              you can find them on

Wednesday 21 May 2014

You too can be Classy.


Being classy today is not as easy as it used to be; It is quiet difficult to find such clothes on the high street, you would have to go through series of clothing to find an elegant skirt or dress and its only expensive designer shops that have many of them.

For ladies on a budget who class and elegance means a lot, this is one of the most difficult times in history to dress in!
Gone are the days when clothes actually did their job- cover nakedness, now ladies who wish to dress- up on a budget have to go round and round and round so many shops and it is very tiring and even discouraging.
But even as bad as it seems there is still hope!

Here are some suggestions;

                                          Take your time when shopping.

                                                              Lily. J

Take your time to go round many shops and try out the clothes you think are elegant, sometimes on the hanger it may look great but when you wear it it may not be.
Online shopping can be a problem if they would not allow you return clothes when they do not fit.

Get acquainted with elegant vintage clothing, they shout 'classy'. 
When an occasion is coming up, save and shop early enough to avoid being so desperate to buy just anything off the shelf.

                                                Get clothes custom made

                                                  custom made dress by Elizabeth Wardorf

 Sometimes you can go from shop to shop and you realize that you can't find even one decent or elegant outfit, designer shops may have them but they may be above your budget. At this point you may need to find a tailor, send in your design and get it sewn to your taste.
If you find it difficult designing clothes yourself check around for inspiration or contact a fashion designer(we have designers on our team that can help) tell her  what you would like and get it sewn.

                                                   Redesign your clothes.

                                          redesigned dress with lace

If you have a dress that you just find hard to let go but is indecent, you can send it to a good tailor to add sleeves, length or redesign.

                                                          Shop Online


shop at online modesty shops to get classy outfits
There are quite a lot these days: 

Enjoy your journey to Class, Elegance, Style and Modesty.

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