Tuesday 14 July 2015

Gentlemen speak

Many ladies will like to be treated like princesses but princes only come to ladies that look like royalty. in other words to attract such men you must dress properly.

It is true that there are few good men but those few good men want pearl girls and your dressing is one way to make them know you are one.

It will be nice to be treated like this (believe me these men still exist)

even if many modern ladies won't admit it we all would like to be respected and treated like pearls.

I have been able to gather what some decent gentlemen think about modesty and below are some quotes from men you can go to the links below to read more on the subject.

''A woman I’m attracted to dressed modestly intrigues me much more. I can see she believes she has more to offer than looks and I want to know what that is! I can engage her without a constant battle inside of me not to lust. I can see she doesn’t feel the need to prove anything and suspect she respects me enough to not encourage that battle. Modestly in a Jesus loving woman cannot be over emphasized. -Doug''

''As a single guy, I am constantly evaluating the young women around me, whether at church, school, or work. I constantly make inferences about them based on what they say and do, but most of all, I make these inferences based on how they say and do these things. At the heart of it, I am always trying to surmise what is most important to 
that young woman… what does she place the highest value upon? A lack of modesty tells me that she values attention very highly, that she has a deep-seated need that is going unmet. And modesty does not just refer to clothing… it is descriptive of behavior as well. I am looking for a woman who is fully secure and content in Jesus Christ, and has no need for me to fulfill her, because I know I cannot; modesty shows this to be true of her''. -Andrew

''I’m definitely “old fashioned” when it comes to how women dress, though I’m only 26. Whenever I see a woman dressed provocatively it makes me cringe. I think to myself “This woman is someone’s daughter/future wife and guys are going to be staring at her all night and thinking inappropriate thoughts.” I just feel like modesty is the best policy, and it’s how Jesus would want women to dress.'' -Jacob

''When a girl walks around immodest it only shows she wants attention. But I don’t just blame the girls. I feel as young men or boys we have to let girls know we aren’t interested in that because a lot of the reason girls wear that stuff is to get a guys attention. Because I mean it’s pretty weak when a girl only has her body to attract someone.'' -Hunter

''To me modesty is something that is so rare nowadays people mistake it as being shy or sheltered. In my mind though that is what makes it so amazing when you find someone that isn’t following what the world is telling them is the way they should look or act. Modesty is a special quality. It shows a girl’s beauty from the inside out and we as men should value that.'' -Tim

We asked some young decent men about their ideal woman; Obinna said : 

 ''She must have proper home training. (You can't give what you don't have)

Decent in speech and dressing...''

''I'd say I think girls get it wrong when they dress indecently 

to attract guys. Sure they do attract guys, but the wrong 

kind of guys.

A guy can see you and think of you as a wife or see you and think of you as someone he just wants for the night just because of the way you're dressed.''
''modesty is the pinnacle to purity, it shows respect for one's self, body and image''- Anthony
''You wouldn’t let your future child walk outside half-naked would you? So, why would you allow yourself to do it? When it comes to being modest in the way you dress, I promise you that less skin will gain you more respect. Don’t get me wrong, I’m aware of things like backless dresses and slouchy sweaters, but you know those are not what I’m referring to. Try and stay away from extremely tight and formfitting attire. Here’s a tip: If you have to make a justification as to why it ok to wear, it’s probably not a good idea to wear in the first place. Any girl worth dating is one who respects herself from the top down and inside out. And this goes for the men as well.''- Jarid Wilson

follow for more pictures and discussion
@pearls_and_queens instagram
@pearlsandqueens twitter
email: pearlsandqueens@gmail.com

picture sources starting from the top:

 www.sussannaives.com                                                                                                                                 www.sassisamblog.com                 




Monday 1 June 2015

Back to Elegance


All of a sudden everyone is going vintage and it’s amazing. It is elegant, stylish and classy - exactly how fashion was intended to be.
For many years women enjoyed looking good and elegant, but gradually as the centuries went by women started putting more emphasis on looking sexy than on looking elegant.

A major factor responsible for this change in mentality is the sexual revolution and the popularization of the birth control pill. 
In the 1960’s women started seeing themselves more as sex objects, they were not afraid to show skin and because of ''women liberation'', they felt they were fighting for equality by burning bras and revolting in ways that really have nothing to do with fighting for liberation.

It was also in the 20th century then that the mini skirt and shorts were invented and popularized, and many young ladies started wearing them.

Many think that you liberate yourself by being scantily clad or to fight for respect and equality, you dress like a sex object but they don’t realize that this sexualisation makes men control women even more and use them as objects of pleasure and because women encourage this mentality by their dressing men feel  less guilty doing so.

Wearing tight clothes, showing cleavage and wearing short clothes means you are free for all and even women who are not ‘free for all’ - ‘Christian women’ ‘mothers’ find themselves still dressing like this all in the name of fashion.

Vintage pieces take us back in time to when women were dressed with dignity, although some vintage dresses are now made short or transparent but wise women will take their time to look for elegant pieces.

It’s not easy to stand out and to be trendsetters in this fashion crazy generation but it is worth it at the end, and  then men see you they feel compelled to threat you with respect, some just feel they should open the door for you just because of your dressing, or feel compelled to leave their seats for you.

We will like to be seen as precious pearls and treated as such so lets dress like our skins are made of pearls.

@pearls_and_queens (instagram)
@pearlsandqueens (twitter)

 outfit by sierrabrookeclothing
 typography by @nnamdinho.st
flower shot by @ashpod84

Sources:  www.pinterest.com https://www.pinterest.com/venfashions/1940-s/ 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Sierra Brooke

I came across Sierra Brooke and I am so impressed with the elegance and style, I know every Pearl will love them.

I will share some of my favs

Please visit http://www.sierrabrooke.com/ for more outfits and info

Thursday 5 March 2015

Pearls of Wisdom from a Pearl

Simple stylish and elegant just defines Nkiru- our Pearl this season, she shares with us her thoughts on modesty, her down to earth but stylish pictures and her thoughts. Be Inspired!

"The way I dress reflects my dignity. A dignity that's dictated by me and not the culture of a changing society. 
I won't dress in a revealing manner to gain the approval of lustful eyes or win the fleeting attention of another  or to be in line with the latest fashion because somehow I've always preferred the descriptive word 'beautiful' to 'sexy' and modesty is beautiful''- Nkiru